Nuafricans w/ artists Maurice Evans and Grace Kisa

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Studio Noize returns from our long hiatus with more conversations to end this long year off a good note. This episode we talk about the Nuafricans, a collaborative project with 2 superstar artists, Maurice Evans and Grace Kisa. The whole process of creating these images is really fascinating. It gets deep into issues of beauty standards, personal insecurities and reimagining the narratives around the Black body. It’s always great to talk with Grace and Maurice. They are individually incredible artists and come together to create magic. You’ll learn a lot of their process and this exciting new work.

Grace Kisa- My sculpture reflects the relationship between myself and the world around us. The materials that I use vary just as greatly. I am compelled by the notion of recycling and repurposing, adapting ordinary things while employing traditional crafting techniques that draw from my Kenyan roots. As a child I was taught by my Mother the arts of knitting sewing and weaving, I have combined those skills with painting, ceramics, and woodworking to create these pieces.

Maurice Evans- Because I'm an artist in many different mediums, I try to incorporate as much of my talents as possible. Many of my works contain photography, painting, and construction. With the mixed media work, I often start off with sketches of a concept that I try to translate into photographs. Most of the time the concept revolves around models that I body paint. Once I capture the images I'm happy with, I then come up with a concept for a painting inclusive of the photographs. At this point in the creative process it is important to stay open to the possibilities. This is where as an artist you must get out of your own way. Let the images and your imagination dictate what is going to happen next. 

See more:  + @moesart10 @studiokisa

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