Thesis Tape Vol 2 - Seeking Success as an Artist

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Thesis Tape Vol 2 - Seeking Success as an Artist
Studio Noize Podcast

Your boy JBarber is deep in the thick of creating his thesis work! There's a lot of writing and making art going on in the basement. He put down his paints and picked up the mic to share some of his thoughts. Today JB gives his thoughts on seeking success as an artist. Coming to the end of three years in graduate school and about to have his thesis show, he wonders what would make him consider this experience a success. How does success look? What are the ways a show can be considered successful? Are there any visions of success that don’t rely on outside validation? Jamaal gives his thoughts. Tell us what you think on IG @studionoizepodcast or shoot us an email

Studio Noize weekly art podcast centered around all the Black voices in the contemporary art world. Catch up on all 107 episodes of Studio Noize as we transition into our new season with more interviews with all the Black artists that you want to hear from and that you need to hear from on the Noize!

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Artists Features


Thesis Tape Vol 3 - Post-Black History Month


Thesis Tape Vol 1- How It Feels to Create