Thesis Tape Vol 5 - Fathers and Sons

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Thesis Tape Vol 5 - Fathers and Sons
Studio Noize Podcast

Your boy JBarber is deep in the thick of creating his thesis work! There's a lot of writing and making art going on in the basement. He put down his paints and picked up the mic to share some of his thoughts about his art journey. One of the more personal themes in Jamaal’s thesis work is about the relationship between fathers and sons. The day after his son’s 9th birthday he reflects on what fatherhood has meant to him and his art. He talks about how he sees his own father, why he can’t paint his son and what he is always thinking about when it comes to his kids. 

Happy birthday Avery! 

Studio Noize weekly art podcast centered around all the Black voices in the contemporary art world. Catch up on all 107 episodes of Studio Noize as we transition into our new season with more interviews with all the Black artists that you want to hear from and that you need to hear from on the Noize!  

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Artists Features


Thesis Tape Vol 6 - 3 Tips on Writing


Thesis Tape Vol 4 - Influences, Inspiration and Imitation