Working Artist w/ artist Miya Bailey
Tattoo legend, Miya Bailey, jumps on the Noize to talk about everything he’s got going on. Miya has been tattooing for 30 years and he invested in creating a community of artists and art lovers in Atlanta with City of Ink tattoo shop and Peter Street Station, the artist-owned community art center. Miya tells us about his attitude toward building an ecosystem, his appreciation for his tattoo clients, working with apprentices, and funding his vision with the Black dollar. A lot of that good art talk today on the Noize! Listen, subscribe, and share!
Episode 152 topics include:
Moving to Atlanta in 1994/ early ATL art scene
transparency in art
client relationships
having apprentices
tattoo culture
valuing the Black dollar
Twin Flame exhibition
Government Cheese exhibition
retiring as an artist
artist-run galleries
Miya Bailey in studio
Currently residing in Atlanta, Miya Bailey (b. 1975) is an illustrator, film producer, painter, celebrity tattoo artist and founder of City of Ink Tattoo shop. Bailey is passionate about art, family and education. He uses his gifts to extol the importance of the arts in one’s community and to encourage art enthusiasts to support living artists through collecting. Bailey grew up in Asheville, North Carolina.
See More: Miya Bailey IG @miyabailey + City of Ink IG @cityofink + Peters Street Station IG @petersstreetstation
Jamaal Barber: @JBarberStudio
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